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Photos from Monika & Michal

 Cambodia - trash mountain 7

Cambodia - trash mountain 7


There is a toxic cloud over the trash mountain. It was very difficult for us to brieve there, and most of those poeple dont even know the smell/taste of the fresh air...

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average rank: 0.0
number of ranks: 0
number of views:  27308

autor: monia-michal
date when the photo was taken:  11. 2007
country: Cambodia
category: Us/Family, People/Customs, Nature/Landscape, Towns/Architecture

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Query failed: BŁĄD: operator nie istnieje: integer = character varying LINE 1: ...komentarze.aproposid = 524 AND uzytkownicy.userid = komentar... ^ HINT: Brak operatora pasującego do podanej nazwy i typu(ów) argumentów. Być może należy dodać jawne rzutowanie typów.